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Intercor Food Products (IFP) Manufacturing Corporation, based in Caloocan City, began producing a diverse range of snacks, delicious chips, crackers, chocolates, and beverages in 1997, all at reasonable prices. Over the years, IFP has thrived and established 5 other plants in major cities throughout the Philippines, including Valenzuela, Cebu, Cagayan,

Davao, and Bacolod. 


In the year 2000, IFP aimed for global excellence, expanding its business and establishing two sub-factories in China to make its products available throughout Asia, the Middle East,

Canada, and South Africa. 


IFP has been committed to satisfying people of all tastes and making its delicious snacks available to people of all ages for over 20 years—gradually growing and expanding with

the right attitude and dedication.


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Intercor Food Products (IFP) Manufacturing Corporation

#258 Kabatuhan St. Deparo Rd, Caloocan City Philippines

Telephone: (02) 89398722

COntact us

Copyrights to Intercor Food Products (IFP) Manufacturing Corporation 2020 

All rights reserved

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